Public Hearing: Emergency Ordinance re 24-hour Businesses (Feb 9th)
Town of Colmar Manor will hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of receiving public
comment on the proposed ordinance described below on
February 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. To participate,
you may call 301-715-8592 or by web at
at the scheduled date and time and use Meeting
ID: 890 4308 3784 & Passcode: 3611. If you have any questions please call
the Town Hall at 301-277-4920.
An Emergency Ordinance
for the purpose of preserving peace and good order, to secure persons and
property from danger and destruction and to protect the health, comfort and
convenience of the residents of the Town of Colmar Manor, and upon the report
of the Chief of Police to regulate the hours of operation and closure of
businesses and commercial establishments in the Town to which the public is
invited, in order to curtail crime, noise, inconvenience, disturbance and
public nuisance and to protect the safety and welfare of the employees and
patrons of such businesses and establishments and of persons living in
proximity to such businesses and establishments, and to enhance the quality of
life for Town residents by establishing hours of operation for businesses in
the Town of Colmar Manor and providing for the enforcement therefore and
establishing penalties for the violation thereof.